Quiche Triangles
	1 (5 oz.) jar Old English sharp
	   pasteurized cheese spread
	1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
	1 1/2 tsp. mayonnaise
	1/2 tsp. garlic powder
	1 stick margarine, melted
	1 can (6 1/2 or 7 oz.) tuna or
	6 English muffins
	Combine cheese spread, seasoned salt, garlic powder, mayonnaise, 
	melted margarine and flaked tuna.  Spread mixture onto English muffin 
	halves.  Cut each half into 4 wedges.  Broil until mixture melts.  
	Watch carefully, as it burns easily.  
	Makes 48 wedges.  
	Print This Recipe

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