French Onion Bread
	1-3/4 c. boiling water
	3 tbsp sugar
	3 tbsp butter
	1 pkg dry onion soup (42 grams)
	2 tsp salt
	2 tsp sugar
	1/2 c warm water
	2 tbsp yeast
	6 c flour(approx)
	Pour boiling water into a large bowl. Add next 4 ingredients. Stir, cool to
	luke warm.
	Proof the yeast. Add to onion soup mix. Stir.
	Work in enough flour until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
	Knead about 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, cover with a tea towel and
	put in warm place to rise. When doubled in size, punch down and form
	into loaves. Cover and let rise in oven until doubled in size. Bake at 375
	until done. Brush tops with melted butter.

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