Plain Biscuits
	1 cup self-rising flour
	1 spoon vegetable shortening  -- the size of
	1 small egg
	buttermilk  -- fresh
	Use enough buttermilk to make the dough really sticky but still enough to
	knead and roll out.
	Mix the ingredients together (add the buttermilk a little at a time).
	Turn out the dough on a floured board and knead in more self-rising flour
	(but try not to handle the dough too much!).  Roll out the dough to about
	1/4-inch and then fold the dough over to double it and press on it
	lightly.  This fold in the dough will make the biscuits pull apart easily
	after they are cooked.  Cut out biscuits about 2-1/2 inches in diameter
	using a glass dipped in flour.  Re-roll the dough as needed.
	Place the biscuits in a baking pan up close against each other - this will
	make them rise higher.  Some people put a little bit of vegetable oil in
	one end of the pan and run the tops of the biscuits through the oil then
	place them in the other end of the pan.  This makes them get crustier and
	more brown on top.
	Bake the biscuits at 450 F until they are lightly browned (about 15
	minutes).  Serve with butter, jelly, honey, or filled with bacon, sausage,
	etc.  1 cup of flour makes about 4 or 5 biscuits, but you can increase the
	recipe easily, just always use one spoon of shortening the size of a small
	egg for each cup of flour.

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