Figs were the most plentiful fruit available to the early Cajuns and
	Creoles. During the late summer, figs were canned in every household in
	bayou country. To combine fig preserves with pecan pie is a natural. 
	1/2 cup chopped fig preserves
	1 tbsp vanilla
	1 cup chopped pecans
	3 eggs, beaten
	1/2 cup sugar
	pinch of cinnamon
	1 tbsp corn starch
	pinch of nutmeg
	1 cup Karo syrup
	1 9-inch uncooked pie shell
	1/4 cup Louisiana cane syrup
	Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar and
	corn starch. Add syrups vanilla, and eggs. Using a wire whisk, blend
	thoroughly. Add chopped pecans and fig preserves and blend well into the
	mixture. Season with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Pour ingredients into
	pie shell and bake on the center rack of oven for forty-five minutes. 

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